Support Homeless Pets During the Holidays

Support Homeless Pets During the Holidays

‍It’s the season of giving, but it may not feel that way for pets who don’t have a roof over their heads this holiday season. Pets are also much more than just beloved companions – they are our kindred spirits, loyal friends and trusted family members. With that in mind, here are some ways that you can support homeless pets during the holidays.

Donate To A Local Pet Rescue

Many shelters, organizations and pet-focused non-profits are in need of donations at the holidays. During the holidays, many shelters, organizations and pet-focused non-profits may even be more in need of donations than during other times of the year. So, if you are able to donate to an organization that shelters animals during the holidays, that would be an awesome way to support the homeless pets in need. So, if you are able to donate to a shelter, that would be an awesome way to support the homeless pets in need during the holiday season. Donate now to Help Homeless Pets at Camp Companion.

If you’d prefer to donate supplies during the holidays, you can check out our Amazon Wishlist  or Chewy Wishlist as you do your other holiday shopping.

Adopt A homeless pet

There are thousands of homeless pets in need that are looking for a home this holiday season. If you have a pet or are getting a pet, there is a unique opportunity to adopt a homeless pet. If you decide to adopt a pet this holiday season, you can help support the homeless pets in need by adopting a pet who needs a loving home.

Adoptable Dogs

Adoptable Cats

Volunteer At A Local Animal Rescue

Many shelters, rescue groups and other organizations in need of volunteers during the holidays. If you are able to volunteer at a local animal rescue, that would be an awesome way to support the homeless pets in need this season. Many shelters, rescue groups and other organizations in need of volunteers at the holidays may even be offering special volunteer opportunities during the holidays.

Click here to check out volunteer opportunities at Camp Companion.

Share Your Photos And Stories On Social Media

Many shelters, rescue groups and other organizations in need of photos and stories are likely to appreciate social media posts. So, if you are able to share photos and stories of your pets on social media, that would be an awesome way to support the homeless pets in need. Most of our animals find a pet to adopt online. Simply sharing a post from our Facebook or Instagram can help homeless pets find a home.

Hold A Fundraiser or Supply Drive For An Organization Or Shelter That Supports Homeless Pets

If you are able to hold a fundraiser or supply drive for an organization or shelter that supports homeless pets, that would be an awesome way to support the homeless pets in need. This can be with your family, friends, workplace, club, or place of worship. See above for information about what items are most helpful to us this time of year.

There are many ways to help support the homeless pets in need during the holiday season. These include donating to local animal rescue groups, adopting a pet, or donating to an organization that shelters animals during the holidays. These are just a few ways that you can help support the homeless pets in need during the holiday season.


Photo by PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay

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